Nourish your body & thrive in your life
When you nourish and thrive in your body, you thrive in your life.
The thriving life is created from the inside-out. The healthier and vital you feel inside, the more you thrive in your life on the outside.
I am Magdalena
I am Swiss Certified Nutritionist, gut health expert, massage therapist and Certified Holistic Health Coach.
By educating & providing practical nutritional and micronutritional guidance, I help women to optimize their physical, emotional and mental wellness, to address digestive and health issues and reconnect to their physical bodies. Through balanced nutrition and lifestyle choices together we lay a foundation for a healthy and thriving life.
I know that you long to feel healthier and full of vitality in your body and in your life.
That vibrant health and vitality are already inside of you. In your precious lifetime you are here to lead a thriving life and feeling empowered in your body.
And this is why I am here to support you.
3 pillars of my work
My philosophy is that everyone can create a thriving health & lifestyle through these pillars: natural & balanced nutrition, personalized micro-nutrition (minerals & vitamins), digestive health, a regular detox, understanding and harmonizing the connection between the physical, mental and emotional body.
In my consultations I focus on natural and whole foods. I guide my clients to take informed and empowered decisions for their health and lifestyle. My consultation focus on balanced nutrition, super-foods (nutrients dense foods) and micro-nutrition (the high quality supplements) to address the lack of important vitamins & minerals & fats (the root of many health conditions). I focus on gut health - the center of your health.
Holistic health is about caring for the whole person. It's about honoring the mind-body connection - one affecting the other. To thrive and live optimally, we need to establish a deeper awareness and nurture each aspect of ourselves: physically, mentally and emotionally.
It is important to detox your body on a regular basis (once or a couple of times a year). A detox is a very important practice to prevent illness. In my detox programs and retreats I promote most nutrients dense foods to replenish, revitalize and regenerate the body.